The environmental cost of our resource intensive lifestyles is frightening. Some even say the damage is irreversible. Some may not even care about the repercussions. And then there are some, like us, who believe that even the little choices we make today could lead to greater things in the future.
Switch to a metal straw. Save millions of marine lives.
Reports state that over one million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic debris in the ocean. And single-use plastic straws make up a huge percentage of that. Yes, they have their conveniences, but do they justify the catastrophic consequences? Carry a metal straw instead - it’s not so difficult. Plus it has many benefits, not only for you, but also millions of marine lives that inhabit our beautiful oceans.
Burn more calories, less fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels currently supply around 80% of the world’s energy. But when burned they release large amounts of carbon - approximately a third of the world’s total emissions. Though more renewable, green energy sources are available, most people are not privileged enough to have access to them. But there are alternative concepts that could help reduce these emissions, if not stop them. Carpooling, cycling/walking when possible (nobody expects you to cycle for hours to get to work - just up the road, to your grocery store maybe?) just to name a few. Why not burn a few calories while at it!
One cloth bag can replace tonnes of plastic ones.
The effects of single-use plastic on the environment are not only unsightly but can also be devastating to wildlife and ecosystems. They never break down completely. Instead, they degrade and become micro-plastics and continue to pollute the environment. One such item; disposable plastic bags seem to dominate the ‘convenience’ category, but how inconvenient is it to carry a cloth bag instead? These plastic bags are so aptly named here in Sri Lanka - one would be really ‘silly silly’ to be using them still.
Going organic kills pesticides.
Yes, it is a figure of speech. It is not as literal in effect as the chemicals that are designed to kill pests that cause harm to crops. But studies show that organic produce has four times less pesticide residue than conventional produce - taking it a few steps closer to a less toxic future, than its counter part.
Reforest, not deforest.
Sure, it is easier said than done. Or is it? Now there are ways in which people could help reforest at the click of a button. Where you invest towards a trusted organisation that will plant a tree for you. Carbon sequestration, improved water quality, increased biodiversity, improved wildlife habitat etc. all at the click of a button!
Factory offcuts look better upcycled, than in landfills.
The world population is at 7.7 billion, and to satisfy their needs over 100 billion clothes are made annually. 10% of that, at best, gets wasted even before consumption. That pre-consumer waste almost always ends up in landfills, unless they are upcycled. We specialise in that area, and offer uncompromising fashion and style keeping both people and the planet at heart.
These are only a few topics, but we feel they are crucial enough to turn a head, or two, and we hope that will have a ripple effect on changing attitudes and perceptions on how such little choices can make a great impact. Our goal is to inspire as many people as we can, to be conscious consumers.
“If you would like to contribute, help us make this go viral. Not the video, but the message - for all of us to do our part in designing a better future!”